
Showing posts from June, 2020

Bono & Frank Sinatra ...................... VIDEO


Your child & BEHAVIOUR.


Pat Wilson RIP - as our large family suffer our great loss.

4  Children 13 Grandchildren NOT forgetting the many Great-Grandchildren. Pat Wilson has left us - the family and we are mourning our loss. Pat was married to my brother Don. I call him Duckle. Still do! As a child I loved the thought of having a  Donald Duck in the family. So that child - me the youngest of four sons, had to have a nick-name for him. Duckle & Pat married young and lived for a few years,  with Steven their first born, in the same street as us. Fry Street, Parr, St Helens - Lancashire. Don was called up to do National Service as all young men had to do back in the day. He had to leave his young family to serve. He ended up in the Army serving in Egypt. I was a young teen. With a busy social life and an active Rugby League life. I can’t remember the years exactly but I used to call on Pat regularly after my activities. A glass of pop. Maybe a biscuit or two and lots of chatter. It was g

Greenbelt Festival FUN


My Favourite Blob Tree image


I am 'kicking darkness until it bleeds daylight.' (Bruce Cockburn lyric)

I was sat on the tube train. It has been 16 weeks in lockdown since this happened. I was with my beloved on this occasion. I felt like moving my hand over on to her lap. I didn't. I clocked the feeling though. It made me think. Sometimes in bed in a morning,  those silent moments  before the mind follows the body out of slumber  I just flop my arm over to her and she strokes it! In other occasions,  like on a flight - in the car,  I do that - she does that. HEAVEN. * One of my two remaining brothers lost his wife last week. Bless you Pat. She was a great adult friend to me in my teenage years. I used to call on her for a chat on my way home after BB - Youth Work project. An adult friend to me as my brother - her husband,  was in the forces in Egypt. * It made me think There are lots of little things which we would miss  if we lost our partner. Not just the big things. That da

Experiential Training Days - we forget words but not an experience.

If you have been on any of my  Experiential Training Days:: You will know that I often get everyone to  touch finger tips. Our finger tips are, yours & mine, Everyones ............... Each one is unique Like the tip owner They are a symbol of your uniqueness A mobile & visual DNA There is something precious about them and to reach out to touch another unique finger tip ......... is something special. Emotionally. Physically. This activity is a feeling & a non-threatening touch with another. To be experienced. A beautiful experience. BHP



This is about TOUCH - not my usual finger tips but in a hostile situation - TOUCH

Canada - Metro Train Vancouver::   a large man   described  as “suffering from drug abuse and\or mental health issues” became aggressive. The man was alarming fellow passengers with erratic movements,  cursing, shouting until a 70-year-old woman reached   out  and  HELD his. That gesture soothed the man.  He sank to the floor of the train as tears flooded his eyes. It was quite incredible how much he calmed down in a split moment,   “It was the most touching thing I've ever seen.” After this incident the man simply said   'Thanks, Grandma,' and walked away,"     * ‘I'm a mother and he needed someone to touch.’  And she started to cry .....  Although the woman felt a great amount of empathy for the man,  like most, she was initially petrified to interfere. "She was very brave”  “She even mentioned that she thought about what would happen if he stabbed her with the pen -- because

Developmental Tool for every day + Pandemic + Homeschooling + Blob Tree

HOME   /   WORRY, STRESS & ANXIETY Blob Guide to Social Distancing  Download  Use the Blobs to explore emotions during Lockdown FURTHER DETAILS HERE By Ian Long and Pip Wilson ADD TO BASKET SKU:  322 Categories:  The Blobs ,  Worry, Stress & Anxiety Tags:  All ages ,  The Blobs

Pip BACKINTHEDAY in Switzerland I think /Rolling Magazine / VIDEO


WHAT DO YOU SEE? Really see - be honest with yourself.

When you see your Mother do you see a beautiful human? When you see your Father do you see a beautiful human? When you see a child do you see a beautiful human? When you see your neighbour  do you see a beautiful human? When you see a person serving you coffee do you see a beautiful human? When you see a person with different skin colour do you see a beautiful human? When you hear a foreign language do you see a beautiful human? When you see someone dressed very different than you do you see a beautiful human? When you see a tiny baby do you see a beautiful human? When you see someone lying on the street do you see a beautiful human? When you see someone begging do you see a beautiful human? When you see a disabled person do you see a beautiful human? When you see a starving baby on TV do you see a beautiful human? When you see someone with a disfigured face do you see a beautiful human? When yo

Face coverings have a mask underneath ...............

The worst mask we can wear is a smile  to hide wounds pain & scars.  None of us are happy all the time.  Friends cannot connect with us  if they don’t know who we really are.  DumpTheMaskDay #YouAreBeautiful

alone - Because of my need to isolate from other humans

Sitting alone in a borrowed garden. Sun Hot! Absconded from home. New boiler fitted today. Because of my need to isolate from other humans  so it is daughters garden not too far away, becomes my hideaway. MrsBeautiful is on site as  Boiler quality control manager. It was strange stripping the kitchen yesterday. Home became sterile as we set up a temporary kitchen, with the kettle etc in our flat lounge. Now into 16th week of lockdown. Feel nervous of going into a shop for the first time - plus car service and MOT needed. I still don't feel ill. I still haven't entered a shop or had my wallet in my pocket for 15 weeks ..... or hugged two daughters and our little granddaughters. I really miss my 121 sessions with BHP's. And more-so my gigs (Training Days) They are experiential for me too. I learn so much in preparation and connecting with strangers, for an hour, then full  on, in depth, interac