
Showing posts from December, 2020

I don’t like such verbal transactions. In ‘Level Five’ terms - it is Level one = ‘cliche'

  "Hello - how are you"? "FINE - how are you"? I don’t like such verbal transactions. In ‘Level Five’ terms - it is  Level one = ‘cliche' (if you don’t know what 'Level 5' is use the search bar to your right = (Find the beauty within) you will see several examples of L5.) 'Why am I afraid to tell you who I am because if I tell you who I am and you don't like who I am, that is all I have.' (Title of my favourite book of all time.) We all have times when we feel vulnerable. We mostly don't choose to share them. They happen. This 'emotional literacy’ is what I keep clicking about, going-on-about, is all about how to handle such times of vulnerability. And many other feelings too. I bet you have those feelings too sometimes. I know I am not on my own. BUT we can choose share vulnerability  I believe Vulnerability is a strength not a weakness'. I have recently shared some of my vulnerability on Facebook and on my website -below with th



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  h⃣a⃣p⃣p⃣y⃣ ...............n⃣e⃣w⃣....... y⃣e⃣a⃣r⃣

HAPPY ...........


The Queen mother at the Mayflower backintheday


For your NEW YEAR


I love questions- asking & taking.


Love these little ones. πŸ…±πŸ…΄πŸ…°πŸ†„πŸ†ƒπŸ…ΈπŸ…΅πŸ†„πŸ…» πŸ…·πŸ†„πŸ…ΌπŸ…°πŸ…½πŸ†‚


Are you on this map?


Feedback from one of my gigs.



  Have you felt stress recently? Do you tell anyone? Do you talk it through? Work at it? Or do you contain it  like a capped volcano? Building up for the next eruption? It has got to come out. There are different methods. Some are secretly done. One person silently releasing pressure/stress. A better way is to spill. Then SHIFT HAPPENS. Share with another human. Otherwise we wear a mask. We are not being real. We are not authentic. Then Shift happens. We change We grow. We begin to love our feelings. We welcome the signals. We can read the semaphore. We can become code breakers. Emotional Intelligence is for us all. For our wholeness Divine .................... BHP

Thought for today.


"I feel like sticking him"

  "I feel like sticking him" "I feel like sticking him" These words were dragging my eyes to the demonstrated stabbing movements I did not want to see stabbing movements and the facial expression repeated words repeated stabbing movements repeated twisted facial pain. I have to be with humans to miss any one would be not owning life as it is. If there is a step into clocking them feelings there is light a journey through a tunnel maybe but illuminated  at  the  end BHP

Today & me. Digging my soul.

When I was 21 I decided That I wanted to have the best life Since then :: I have lost teeth Dodged a pick-axe swung in anger Ten years of acid indigestion  Dodged a meat cleaver as above Heart & soul close to teens  Weeks in Crown Court with them Alongside in the Old Bailey cells Discovered own weaknesses Listened to the horrific story’s  Discovered my own feelings Started to to manage them Became an ‘Emotion Detective’ Lived alongside violence Loved the most violent Learned how to see through behaviour  Every day learning on the job Team work always best Objectivs = a Helping Relationship Learned how to love the unlovely Scars Experience my own weeping Tears Tears Failure Writing to offload  Emptying my soul to examine it Holding confidentiality  Discovered having the best life To kneel To be scared To be loved To be beautiful imperfection All this because of that act of kneeling by my bed-side aged 21, asking a distanced God if I could come closer and accept the best life on off

Presents can change your life.


What if ........One of us


Especially for you


Love in my life


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  My  CHRISTMAS  EDITION  of    You   Are   Beautiful 





Emptiness Rages .......


LOVE THIS ............ Love this ...................


How can I improve ?

AND THEN DO SOMETHING Practice self-evaluation and reflection. Keep a journal and track your progress.  How would you rate your current level of self-awareness out of ten?  Think about how often you say regretful things;  repeat bad habits; make absent-minded decisions, and have erratic thoughts. Set regular goals, break big goals down into smaller milestones.  Ask yourself at the end of each day,  “What did I do well today?” And,  “How can I improve on this tomorrow?”   BHP

Blob Tree Materials - a whole range = INSTANT DOWNLOADS.




We have to accept the situation and behave for the benefit of others and our very selves.

We are living in strange times in the UK We have just moved into the highest lockdown ever re Covid. We are not going anywhere - all Christmas plans are cancelled:: I posted the above on social media yesterday.(do the right thing) We have to accept the situation and behave for the benefit of others and our very selves. Whatever our situation - we need to preserve lives - illnesses and death -  If we don't get on with it & and do the right thing.  Now we have made our minds up - the tension shrinks - we can get on and do the best in the circumstances. The worse situation is for those living alone with no support - and even worse still - those who don't have a home or hostel or a friend with a sofa to sleep on. We can do our best thing ............ We have accepted we won't be able to play with our children's toys (and the children = two beautiful Grandchildren) - I groan & yearn for them, our own daughters and us Grandparents too. Love will find away .........

When you walk into a room - what do you do? well? or not so good?


THIS is the sort of response I work for - a teachers response to on of my sessions.


We go into Lockdown as from tomorrow. My quote::


Continued from Yesterday re:: Our bodies are CONTAINERS.

  Bodies are important. Containers of all sorts. One little body was especially ...... good special significant bigger than the exterior beyond beyond. This little body  incredible fascinating massive -  small body full-up with love. A little body used to bring love like a parcel like a gift like a treat like the best ever container of the Divine used to bring love with the real X Factor! Divine become flesh and hanging out with us WOW Waging Shalom .................. BHP

Your BODY is a container.

We know ourselves more than anybody  We are inside our body our body is a container containing the loving spiritual feeling you. You are invisible -  only your body is on view. Only 7% of our communication is words the rest is body language which we all can see & read. Our exterior communicates our interior. 

Blob Tree TOOLS - wondrously powerful resources.


What we all need to do for Christmas = KISS the WORLD  πŸ…±πŸ…΄πŸ…°πŸ†„πŸ†ƒπŸ…ΈπŸ…΅πŸ†„πŸ…» 


It is no words day


Granddaughter age 5 just composed a story.


On a London Tube train and I experience a concentration camp.

  On a London Tube train. I open my book. I first picked it up as I left home this morning -2/3rds asleep. It was one of the zillions of books I have on the go. THIS was :: Viktor Frankl "Man's Search For Meaning" -  I started to read it. After three pages I have to close it and handle the depth stimulation. He was writing about the experiences in the Concentration Camp. His preoccupation with finding a new piece of wire to 'lace' his shoes together. The tears of pain as he walked with torn shoes. Would there be any food after a long day of slave labour. Should he trade his last cigarette for a piece of bread. He was aware that the prisoners who lost faith in the future - were doomed. Living on past memories were fatal. So his imagination took him to a place in the future. A place where he was delivering a psychology lecture to a great audience of students. All in comfortable seats and keen to learn. His subject was 'The psychology of a concentration camp'