
Showing posts from January, 2021

The way into LOVE


Family Issues currently in the spotlight - here is an exercise aimed at TEENS +




This is about my MISSION - who I am and I don't want to be.


I have decided to make my life an act of LOVE


The las time I saw my  πŸ…±πŸ…΄πŸ…°πŸ†„πŸ†ƒπŸ…ΈπŸ…΅πŸ†„πŸ…»  Grandaughters it rained in my eyes


Aged '10' .......................... what a great contribution

  ENVIRONMENT   Can you hear the trees? Swaying all around But I hear an unfamiliar  soun d “TIMBER!” CRASH! A tree falls  down Distressed innocent  animals Scurry away from their broken home The damaged tree  G e ts taken  away To make paper for you and me.   Can you see the waves? Tumbling onto the plastic filled beach Oh no! GLUG! GLUG! I can  sadly  see a boat leaking out its rusty oil. To my  horror The curious fish  Swim naΓ―vely up to the surface Gulping the oil They become  breathless.   Can you hear the animals high above the trees? Can you see the fish swimming in the sea? Can you touch the trees standing in the ground? Can you smell the salty sea with fish  swimming  around ?   Can you feel the world coming to an end? I can see catastrophic landfills full of bitter litter. I can hear a chainsaw cutting down a tree. I can smell the harmful poison that would kill me and  you I can touch all the horrendous plastic floating in the  sea   But there are somethings that we can  do T

I beg of you .........


Really back-in-the-day pic


Remembering the Holocaust.

  Remember the Holocaust.  Never forget how it came to be: little by little...hateful rhetoric, fear-mongering, visible designations of discrimination, radically inhumane nationalism, white supremacy...all festering until reality reflected rhetoric, until.......................  #HolocaustMemorialDay

SPIRITUALITY as my small brain understands.


Dividing the people with US & THEM




We will REMEMBER them


My head is like a washing machine often - all sorts slushing around/LIFE IS A QUESTION MARK NOT A TICK


How do you fit?


Blob Tree communication/developmental tools - which are you right now?

 Above is PART of the GIANT POSTER This giant POSTER is great - lots more Blobs to chose from. HOME   /   BEHAVIOUR Which Blob Do You Feel Like Today?  Poster Set of 5 £ 26.95   Discuss Feelings and Emotions in every classroom & staff room Set Quantity Choose an option 2 3 1 6 10 Quantity     ADD TO BASKET SKU:  1815 Categories:  Behaviour ,  Communication ,  Emotions ,  Self-Esteem ,  Worry & Anxiety AVAILABLE FROM:: BHP

No matter what your behaviour - your feelings - you bring something special to life = UNIQUE ...............

  THE HUMAN BODY is an amazing masterpiece.  With the senses, we see, hear, taste, smell and touch the world, drawing its mystery inside us.  With the mind, we probe the eternal structures of things.  With the face, we present ourselves to the world and recognize each other.  But it is the heart that makes us human.  The heart is where the beauty of the human spirit comes alive.  Without the heart, the human would be sinister.  To be able to feel is the great gift.  When you feel for someone, you become united with that person in an intimate way; your concern and compassion come alive, drawing some of the other person's world and spirit into yours.  Feeling is the secret bridge that penetrates solitude and isolation.  Without the ability to feel, friendship and love could never be born.  All feeling is born in the heart.  This makes the human heart the true jewel of the world. John O’Donohue

My RIDE this past week


Many many group work sessions - the invite

Always starting with dunking donuts into warm chocolate plus a cup of tea. Hostel life. 

Even if I don’t like you .......




My friend Martin


To laugh ....................... To weep ....................


ARMENIA - these experiences changed the course of my life



  Write out your reflections / answers - even better if you do it with another person Share with me if you choose - confidentially Even if only you sees your 'I WILL' ....... it will be developmental. BHP

A back in the day INVITE to Wilson Mansions featuring my 1950 Rock-Ola-Juke Box


Unique You


Today - be gentle on you  πŸ…±πŸ…΄πŸ…°πŸ†„πŸ†ƒπŸ…ΈπŸ…΅πŸ†„πŸ…»  self


There is always light if only we’re brave enough to see it, if only we’re brave enough to be it.

We will rebuild, reconcile and recover, in every known nook of our nation, in every corner called our country our people diverse and beautiful will emerge, battered and beautiful, when the day comes we step out of the shade aflame and unafraid, the new dawn blooms as we free it, for there is always light if only we’re brave enough to see it, if only we’re brave enough to be it. Amanda Gorman

My YMCA friends share the horrors of war.

IN  HUMANS OF ARTSAKH ,  NEWS TAMAR SARGSYAN – GLIMPSE OF REAL WAR The Artsakh (Nagorno Karabakh) war that started in September 2020 and lasted for weeks turned out to be a vivid failure of international law, order, and ideals. Unfortunately, the conflict which claimed thousands of lives and displaced much more remained largely overlooked by international media and community alike.  The young people of YMCA Artsakh, regardless oftheir will, became a direct part of the war. Tamar Sargsyan is one of those young people of the YMCA-Artsakh that carry very important values, such as kindness, devotion and care. From the Facebook page of Tamar After studying in the History Faculty, she chose the direction of art in history and became an Armenian national dance teacher. This is what she was doing also during YMCA-Artsakh’s Camp for Peace. Gathering everyone and showing simple dance steps and movements.  Everybody loved that, because even people who always thought they could not dance were able