The most beautiful human experience Can be a most powerful one-to-one relationship.

Broken Relationships.
The most beautiful human experience
Can be a most powerful one-to-one relationship.
Beyond words.
Free flowing feelings.
Journey of love.

The most ugly human experience
can be a broken, destroyed and bitter separation.
Beyond human expression.
Deep, deep preoccupying hurt.

Really that is enough said.
If you are feeling it
empathy is enough

We have all read this before::

Dance like no-one is watching
Sing like no-one is listening
Love like you have never been hurt.

Making the best of it, after and
also preventative measures,
from my own experiences
from my own journey amongst the broken -
we can make the best of it.

Growing out of the trauma.

"Muddy paths often make
the spiritual dawn
more desirable and
the need for an ideal
more persistent."
Boris Cyrulnik

Having a group of intimate 'Level Five'* human friends.
Having several humans who we can be ourselves with -
whatever 'self' we are at any moment of time
on the roller coaster of life.

Having a spiritual journey
alongside a human one.
(Both vital)
That connectivity with a deeper and deeper YOU.
That experience of knowing
we are growing internally.
That experience of boldness
alongside the new and daily experience of vulnerability.
it is a ABILITY.

Journeying in a special relationship where unconditional love is
exhibited, demonstrated and experienced.
Always 100%.
That love that will not let me go.
That 24/7 intimacy and love.
From the source of love.
That 24/7 experience of creativity
from the source of creation.
That every-single-breath
when awake
when asleep
which connects with
the breath of God
who will not
will not
let me go.

* Search
in the search bar 
to see many references 
to 'level five'.


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