An extract from a great Guardian article on Joe Wicks.

 His mother was 17 when she had his brother, 
19 when she had Joe; 
his father was in and out of rehab for drug addiction. 

"There was a lot of shouting, a lot of doors slammed, 
we didn't sit down and have dinner together." 
And yet, he says: 

"One thing I had more than anything, 
I had love and support from my mum and dad. 

My mum used to say: 

"I don't care if you become a dustman or a doctor, 
you can be who you want."' 

It is a powerful and unusual stance, 
and it means ...............  he really gets imperfection - 
human frailty, too much sugar, not enough lunges - 
he gets that you can make Poor choices 
without being a bad human being, 
he is palpably nonJudgmental, 
without ever saying; 

"I'm not here to judge you." 

I think viewers can smell that, at any age ..........



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