
Showing posts from November, 2020

Asked a question about 1st memory of CHRISTMAS

Great reflections & still the stories coming in on Facebook  Then I added mine:: I remember coming downstairs to a big warm coal fire, my Dad worked in coal mines, so we always had stacks.  Then I saw big grey socks hanging from the shelf above the fireplace. 4 of them for 4 boys including me - the youngest.  In my sock was an apple and an orange. I had never seen an orange before.  This was middle of world War 2.  No sweets in the shops. Everyone on rations.  Everything was rationed.  Butter. Jam. Bread. You name it.  I guess it was about 1943 - me about 4 years old.  SMELL:: Me Mam’s Christmas dinner in the making.  BHP 


  I wish we could all get toys again. I guess gadgets fix the men. What do women get? All the hard work I guess! Christmas fills all space busy with tinsel* busy with food* busy with travel* busy with alcohol* busy with TV* busy with family humans* busy with no time to think/reflect* busy with presents* busy with NO TIME** *and then I think *of the beautiful humans *who live in homeless hostels *who I love and ache with *who are dysfunctional in relationships *who have lost a loved one this year *who are in conflict with family *who are rejected by family *who are without a loved one *who have dependancy issues *who can't afford to buy presents *who are in total debt and in fear of future *who are Tagged and in lockdown by the court *who are with humans they don't want to be with *who stop me in the street and boast about their new place they have found to sleep because it is under a stairwell with an air-con extract = warmth = for Christmas ……………

Still keeping me awake at nights

The big win #RugbyLeague  Forever 🎼🎵.•*¨*•♪🎵♫•*¨*•.¸¸¸.•*¨*•♪🎵♫•*¨*•.¸¸¸.when ♫•*¨*• ♫•*¨*•.¸¸¸.•* the ♫•*¨*• SAINTS ♫•*¨ ♫•*¨*•.¸ go¸¸.•* ♫•*¨*• marching ♫•*¨*•.¸¸¸.•* in ♫•*¨*•.¸¸¸.•* ♫                  🅲🅾🅼🅴🏉🅾🅽🏉🆈🅾🆄🏉🆂🅰🅸🅽🆃🆂🏉  BHP

What do we do if we don’t LIKE a person?


SAINTS WIN Grand Final in last second of the game - #RugbyLeague my game.


How do you feel about vaccines?


Grandad benefits.....




LOVE is seeing the darkness in another and ....................


#RugbyLeague GRAND FINAL HIGHLIGHTS 5pm today BBC2


Daughter Joy and her creativity - ideal present for someone at Christmas


My second HOMELAND


A poem.

BHP   You’re in a tough spot I try to stand near you In solidarity of a sort   I cannot experience your anxiety But I know how you feel I always know how you feel    You are that rare breed A huge heart for youth Those bundles of energy and hurt, left dangling   Look at the upstream, not the downstream Everyone is fighting a battle we do not understand Growth does not reside in a place called comfortable   This wisdom has been carved From Lancashire terraces and East London tower blocks The backstreets of heaven   From midnight clubs to a multi-storey YMCA To chaotic canvas cities packed to the rafters Where trifle trickles down your neck   The land of the blob Where gutter feelings are shared, always shared Through unique fingertip touching   Your accent makes me smile Just down the road from me, but so different The land of pies and refracted glass   Rugby league, not football I can forgive you that At least we like the same band   In our café liaisons You are constantly connecting

YMCA - the largest Youth Movement in the WORLD - Major Resource for every Y

* YMCA TOOLBOX   of #resources  BOOK OR DOWNLOAD for all areas of  #YMCA #Programmes - Sports/ Fitness/ Youthwork/ Teams/ Faith/ Housing/ Personal Development + more THE YMCA TOOLBOX Blob Communication Tools  for BODY  MIND   SPIRIT “ The World YMCA is focusing upon Youth Empowerment.  This book is a wonderful, beautiful tool,to communicate this message.  ” Johan Vilhelm Eltvik Former Secretary General, World Alliance of YMCAs A massive collection, almost 200 pages, of resources to use in YMCA's worldwide. Great ALL AGE TOOLS - Children, Youth, Leaders, Executives, Seniors + Great for all areas of Y Programmes - Sports/ Fitness/ Youthwork/ Teams/ Faith/ Housing/ Personal Development+ Great visuals - attractive for all because the Blobs use the primary forms of communication = FACE & BODY LANGUAGE  

The Blob Tree in action in SCHOOL - a resource for all ages even TEACHERS in Training.

  .... #BlobTree #resources in #school #learning with a difference #LessonPlanning #TeachersofInstagram #Positivity #PositiveThinking #Blobtree #Mentalhealth #Mentalhealthsupport #Mentalheathawareness #Bestlife #Education #Feelings #EmotionalIntelligence #School #Counselor #Behaviour #EmotionalLiteracy #RightsRespectingSchools #SEN PipBHP

It seems I will keep on writing/refreshing my *5*DAY* for Emotional Wellness / BECOMING

  5-a-day  emotional HEALTH 1 Welcome all feelings as signals/information not a 'to do list' 2 Practice sharing feelings in every day life NOT emotion outbursts but as they feel in reality.  3 Think when you have feeling rather than allowing feelings to speak for you.  4 Look beyond a persons difficult behaviour or words. Think UPSTREAM.  5 Help others, and yourself, by sharing emotions first which gives permission for others to try it themselves. 

I never recommend but this radio moment is MAJESTIC UNIQUE

Find it on 'BBC SOUNDS' APP.  Download FREE 



Come weep with me - I just leaked - wept again ................ VIDEO


I ask QUESTIONS. The answers are * special * beautiful * raw * real

  I ask QUESTIONS. The answers are special beautiful raw real This question was:: If you write a book about your life What would be a standout CHAPTER? This is one of the many majestic answers:: I think each chapter of my book would start with either a quote or song lyrics, and be titled accordingly! So, I am sharing about one particular chapter… Lullaby “I know the feeling Of finding yourself stuck on the ledge And there ain’t no healing From cutting yourself with the jagged edge I’m telling you that it’s never that bad And take it from someone who’s been where you’re at You’re laid out on the floor and you’re not sure You can take this anymore So just give it one more try With a lullaby And turn this up on the radio If you can hear me now I’m reachin’ out to let you know That you’re not alone And you can’t tell, I’m scared as hell ‘Cause I can’t get you on the telephone So just close your eyes Well honey here comes a lullaby Your very own lullaby Please let me take you Out of the dar


Blob Book - Blob Loss £25.00 GBP Add to Cart Blob Book - Blob Mindfulness £25.00 GBP Add to Cart Blob Book - Blob Themed Trees £25.00 GBP Add to Cart Blob Book - Blob Resilience £25.00 GBP Add to Cart Blob Book - Blob Relationships £25.00 GBP Add to Cart Blob Book - Blob Guide To Social Distancing £25.00 GBP Add to Cart Blob Book - Blob Depression £25.00 GBP Add to Cart Blob Book - Blob Anxiety £25.00 GBP DOWNLOAD HERE::   

NEWEST * BRAND NEW * BLOB TREE BOOK * 'The Blob Guide to Children's Human Rights'

Enlarge   Download 1st Edition The Blob Guide to Children’s Human Rights By  Pip Wilson ,  Ian Long Copyright Year 2021 Paperback   £34.99  Hardback   £120.00  eBook   £31.49  ISBN 9780367561543 Published November 17, 2020 by Routledge 128 Pages 136 B/W Illustrations Request Inspection Copy Preview this title Format   Paperback   Hardback   VitalSource eBook   Quantity GBP   £ 34 .99  Add to Cart   Add to Wish List Prices & shipping based on  shipping country Skip Product Menu Book Description Table of Contents Author(s) Book Description This practical resource is designed to support children and young people as they develop an understanding of the basic rights that we are all entitled to as humans. Diverse and inclusive, Blob figures have proven themselves to be a valuable way of sparking discussion of difficult topics through the universal means of body language and feelings.  Based upon the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, this book introduces 'Blob Trees', line