We had been married for one year and THEN this !!!!!!!!!


Joan was 21, I was 26 when we sold up, burned bridges, and moved to live & work in a Young Offenders Unit as Houseparents.

It was a school by name but - really an education prison for young boys 14 to 17. All from Manchester.

We had been married for one year and then this !!!!!!!!!

(I am on my laptop.

I am expecting a knock on the door by Joy. 
She was born in this unit place.
Joy our first child born with 15 ready made teenage 'brothers'.)


It was the start of our journey - break away from home town to
follow the 

risk failure
inability turning to competence - well ....

..... not so much the competence.

Before this job, I was working at Pilkington Glass in their Research Laboratory.
They used to call me 'the Rocking Vicar' because I was always singing as I worked.

I want to write about our above work. Yet it so sensitive. 
I have lots of letters from these boys/men by now methinks letters I would love to share - some powerful stories too.

I wanted to reflect today on other mission experiences as I have shared over the last two days. Reflecting on the work/mission we was engaged in. It is delicate - so many stories I can't spill.

This was 1965 and all that ...................... how can that be? - me being a teenager still ..!!


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