
Showing posts from August, 2021

Back to school -a Blob Tree free tool to kick the new school year off

  Back to school - Blob Tree free tool Blob Back to School (COVID19 edition) - a free to download/ share discussion tool to help parents, children and schools reflect upon issues that may be concerning the health and safety of everyone at school as well as learning issues at home.  Suggested questions:  look at the image together - what can you see with your talk partner?  Which Blobs are feeling worried?  What behaviour of Blobs concern you?  Which Blobs would you choose to be when school restarts? #discussion #school #learning #COVID19 #healthandsafety #homeschool #questions #criticalthinking #parents #pupils #teachers #schools #pipwilson #p4c #janeyates #media #facts #feelings #homeschool #school #teachers #parents  #primary #secondary #adults #socialdistancing #isolation #pipwilson #OFSTED #TES #TheTimes dig here for many various BlobTools  #YouAreBeautiful  w

I have Joy in my life


These are the meds I am on - for LIFE

For too long I delayed the symptoms of prostate cancer. It was only because my passing of urine was slow. So I told my Doctor, great human, and he fixed me a blood test the same day. Any PSA count above .4 = cancer 'alarm bells" My PSA was .29  ( I think  - because I suffer from memory loss - amongst a whole long long list of symptoms) Since then it has been a roller coaster of activity including hospital visits (I have one this week) It has been a journey of pain & ugly  scans, meds, - you name it. The treatment above means I am pain free and hopefully a holding back the spread of the damn life spoiler. No cure. Just a holding back! MEN get yourself checked. Please don't wait. Read about 'Prostate Cancer' - visit your Doctor - it is all free. Staybeautiful  Pip BHP  

I love you ( if that’s ok?)


A few words about you - believe ….




Its me trying to be open & honest ............

 I don't know how long we have all had the pandemic or me cancer  -  they have all got mashed in history - and in experiences. Recently I have been going through weaknesses which I have never encountered before. I have no pain as before but I do have a collection of side effects unique to myself. One of them of them is not being able to type properly - how to sling words together - even put thoughts together - as of now! My communication has been terrible  - even with all my beautiful human friends - they don't know  I am going on - I don't know how I am going on - but I am attempting stuff today. I have been diagnosed as:: CLINICALLY EXTREMLY VULNERABLE They are why I have been staying apart from so many humans - for so long. I have only recently had contact (apart) with a few humans and only those who could meet up locally. A few sitting in the grass in front of our flat and others venturing out to a nearby cafe - really strange but also beautiful.  So it has been 'co

82 and I still have to clock my judgemental internal attitude & switch to LOVE whatever I am faced with.

.......BUT I am speeding up with my internal attitude SWITCHING  SPEED from judging to being aware and throwing my internal matter switch  to POSITIVE + ACCEPTANCE  +UNDERSTANDING  +LOVING ABOVE ALL ELSE YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL IMPERFECCT LIKE ME UNEQUALLY ! BHP  

I want to hug you but this will have to do!


Who I is  🅱🅴🅰🆄🆃🅸🅵🆄🅻  ?


The first 4 minutes of a new relationship.


I live to love. In my imperfection I know my mission


What’s your job on earth?


I have been a place of stretched feelings ...........

 I have been stretched like never before today. I have felt weak. Under pressure.Not well at all. I have only entered the day gone 6 pm after a good long sleep. I have been stressing about things that I would do without and effort but today */*/*/*/*/ Here I am an, Emotion Detective, and I am in an emotional car crash. No joke. Never felt like this before and it has lasted until 5pm before I could sit down and try to word it !!!!! Forgive me all - for not getting back to you. It's all to do with my health - cancer and side effects. I am experiencing many to mention but but am feeling weak. I am writing about this because I believe in self disclosure is better than locking feelings in. So I try to be honest. Join me on the self revelation journey - I believe it is better then being alone. BHP

I am …… you are too


The Rolling Magazine Crew - through the ages.

  Back in the day I had a phone call from the top guy at the Greenbelt Festival -  (a gathering of about 30k attendees) - a festival to have faith in. It seemed that the organising committee had reached a point of the festival being too much 'Guardian' and not enough 'tabloid'  - and they wanted someone to kick off a programme more like the latter and certainly more 'fun fun fun  your' was targeted. Because, in my work, I was surrounded with a wealth of young people and youth workers it became a challenge I could not resist! I collected a bunch of talented passionate older teens from :- The Mayflower Youth Work Team, A collection of older teens currently on a 'work party' at the Mayflower + any talented humans such as the gathering you can see above. The Rolling Magazine was created to deliver a 'show' - non-stop activity of - Fun* Dancing* Games* Wild* risky*Maximum participation show*wondrously*non-stop*wholistic*spiritual* developmental *Life-

fabFAB gigs in Norway ****************love these dudes


Sorry I’ve been quiet


Sorry I’ve been quiet lately ….


Saints #RugbyLeague - massive win over Hull FC

Mrs  🅱🅴🅰🆄🆃🅸🅵🆄🅻  & me watched TV the red hot battle away from home with playing it tough in their own stadium.  Big score but we never seemed safe until near the end of this thriller.   🅲🅾🅼🅴🏉🅾🅽🏉🆈🅾🆄🏉🆂🅰🅸🅽🆃🆂🏉 

A rambling from my mind - encounters with humans sharing or struggling to ...

  I am desiring to be L5 (if you don't know what L5 is - read a few blogs of mine ) I want /aim to share L5 tell you who I am stuff. I have moved around the world introducing 'L5" I have entered into a new:- centres conferences groups ............ I feel lonely in a new group NOT  all the time! Just for a few moments I feel that isolated feeling I feel it thank God for feelings and spring-board from them. It is  not  the fault of the group I am with The centre/conference/hostel etc.. They are my feelings which sweep through me like restless winds (and you too - I believe) but I want to be  in touch  with these feelings/signals. I want to feel them all learn from them all ALL. And that is my striving for emotional intelligence. When I share feelings about life It is  not the fault  of life. Not the humans around me - not their fault . It is not even my fault they are the GIFT of shared human feelings! Feelings are not right or wrong. It is behaviour which can be bad or goo

@Saints1890 20 for Monday’s game

🎼🎵.•*¨*•♪🎵♫•*¨*•.¸¸¸.•*¨*•♪🎵♫•*¨*•.¸¸¸.when ♫•*¨*• ♫•*¨*•.¸¸¸.•* the ♫•*¨*• SAINTS ♫•*¨ ♫•*¨*•.¸ go¸¸.•* ♫•*¨*• marching ♫•*¨*•.¸¸¸.•* in ♫•*¨*•.¸¸¸.•* ♫   🅲🅾🅼🅴🏉🅾🅽🏉🆈🅾🆄🏉🆂🅰🅸🅽🆃🆂🏉